Meet the Fat Olde Guy


I can relate to your struggles trying to get in shape. I'm there!

I have been out of shape all of my life from grade school all the way to today. Even while being on the football team in junior high and high school. Honestly, if it wasn't such a small school, I would never have made the team!

BUT!!! I was in great shape at 39 years old! 39 when most guys really start "going to seed," I was in fantastic shape!

HOW? The ANSWER and the Value Proposition of Fat Olde Guy's Fitness:

I had a workout buddy while learning karate. I was interested in the subject, and the workout buddy kept me accountable.

Let's be virtual workout buddies! Let's go on this fitness journey...TOGETHER!


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Fat Olde Guy's Fitness

Who can benefit from Fat Olde Guy's Fitness?

Short answer: ANYONE who wants to get in shape and stay in shape!

You struggle to find time or motivation to exercise. Maybe, you also find it hard or painful to exercise because of stiffness, bad knees, etc.

With Fat Olde Guy's fitness, you will get curated exercises, advice, and products to help you achieve your fitness goals. But the main thing, is you have someone who understands your struggles and can help you overcome them!